What are Compassion Cards and How do They Help?

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel the compassion index of the planet move up a few points?” –Harry Palmer

The Compassion Project was launched on Thursday, October 22, 2009 with the 1,500 attendees of the Avatar Course in Orlando, Florida. Harry Palmer, president of Star's Edge International, outlined a simple plan to improve the conditions of the world saying, "Let's increase the amount of compassion on the planet by placing one million Compassion Cards into the hands of strangers.

Since then, more than 3 million compassion cards have been distributed throughout the world, with a goal of 10 million Compassion cards given to strangers by January, 2015. 

One side of the card has an exercise from ReSurfacing: Techniques for Exploring Consciousness, written by Harry Palmer. The exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate. Each compassion card gives step-by-step instructions to follow that allow you to do the exercise on strangers, unobtrusively, from a distance.

The cards can be given freely to friends and strangers alike. They are available in more than 25 languages including Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Urdu.

Have you ever felt the warmth of the morning sun on your face? That’s what the broadcast from infinite being feels like, it inspires goodness, and love, and compassion. And it brings tears to the eyes, and compassion to the heart.

"If one million made a scratch in the world, ten million will make a dent!"
- Harry Palmer, creator of the Compassion Project

Would you like to participate in the Compassion Project? Let me know and I’ll be happy to show you how to start.